When you use WhizzML scripts, some inputs may be mandatory, some optional. You may also provide default values to inputs. You can specify them in the corresponding JSON metadata files. Now you can do this on the BigML Dashboard: when inputs are resources, such as sources, datasets and models, BigML provides checkboxes for users to toggle between these inputs being mandatory or optional. Users also have the option to provide default values for those inputs or leave them empty.
Please visit the release page to learn more about this feature.

Asynchcronous WhizzML script executions can take some time to finish to fulfill complex Machine Learning workflows they implement. You no longer need to check your execution repeatedly to see if your results are ready. This new option let's you specify that you want to be notified by e-mail once the execution finishes, while you concentrate on other tasks.

Furthering our obsession to speed up your Machine Learning processes, we have incorporated Scriptify into your 1-click menu options. Now, you can automatically regenerate any BigML resource (models, evaluations, predictions, etc) with a single click. Scriptify creates a script that contains all the workflow information end-to-end (from configuration parameters to resources created). You can precisely repeat the processing steps of any original Machine Learning resource to your heart's desire!

Ease your WhizzML coding with syntax highlighting and auto-completion using the Sublime Text package. If you are a WhizzMLer and a Sublime Text fan, you will love this new package. Install it via Package Control.

BigML is proud to announce WhizzML, a new domain-specific language for automating Machine Learning workflows and implementing high-level algorithms.
WhizzML abstracts away the complexity of the underlying infrastructure and offers out-of-the-box scalability. With WhizzML you can easily transform time-consuming repetitive tasks into 1-click actions or into a single API call. WhizzML provides a standardized way to implement high-level Machine Learning algorithms on your own, e.g. Gradient Boosting or Stacked Generalization.
You can also clone many advanced workflows and algorithms from WhizzML Gallery and share yours with others!