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Batch Importance Scores
Image of Batch Importance Scores

This feature enables you to include a set of percentages indicating how much each field in your dataset contributed to a given anomaly score when creating a Batch Anomaly Score. You can include those values in your output file either with BigML Dashboard or the API. This will give you a better understanding of your anomalous instances as it will reveal which factors are causing them to be seen as anomalous.

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Batch Anomaly Scores
Image of Batch Anomaly Scores

You can quickly score multiple lines of data through BigML's Batch Anomaly Score. The output can be downloaded as a .csv and/or you can use it to automatically create a new dataset.

batches fraud detection anomalyscore summer2014
Anomaly Score
Image of Anomaly Score

You can score individual data points against your anomaly detector by using the web interface. Simply input the variables and BigML will provide you with an anomaly percentage (a higher score reflects greater anomaly).

score fraud detection anomalyscore summer2014
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