Machine Learning

Are you new to Machine Learning? You're not alone. In this page you will find a set of useful articles, videos and blog posts from independent experts around the world that will gently introduce you to the basic concepts and techniques of Machine Learning.
General concepts
Learn what you need to know to get started with Machine Learning in a practical, hands on manner without bogging you down with complex math or theory.

How to Learn Machine Learning in 10 Days
by Sebastian Raschka
A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
by Stephanie Yee, Tony Chu
Machine Learning is Fun!
by Adam Geitgey
A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning
by Pedro Domingos
What questions can data science answer?
by Brandon Rohrer
Learning Machine Learning: A beginner's journey
by Murat
Machine Learning Algorithms: A Concise Technical Overview
by Matthew MayoSupervised learning
Links to give you a glimpse of how to solve classification and regression problems starting with labeled data.

How to Spot a Machine Learning Opportunity, Even If You Aren’t a Data Scientist
by Kathryn Hume
Learning from Imbalanced Classes
by Tom Fawcet
Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?
by Manuel Fernández-Delgado, Eva Cernadas, Senén Barro
Classification and Regression Trees
by Wei-Yin Loh
Ensemble Methods In Machine Learning
by Thomas G. Dietterich
by Udacity
by Udacity
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Random Forests
by Ahmed El Deeb
Statistics 101: Logistic Regression
by Brandon Foltz
Logistic Regression versus Decision Trees
by cheesinglee
Put Some Confidence in Your Predictions
by josverwoerd
The Basics of Classifier Evaluation, Part 1
by Tom Fawcet
An Introduction to ROC Analysis
by Tom Fawcet
K-Fold Cross-Validation
by Udacity
Predicting with My Model: Is It Safe?
by josverwoerd
How Machines Learn (And You Win)
by Randal S. Olson and R2D3
The Basic Ideas in Neural Networks
by David E. Rumelhart , Bernard Widrow , Michael A. LehrUnsupervised learning
Teach yourself how you can discover the hidden patterns in your data without the need for labeled data.

Clustering: K-means algorithm
by Victor Lavrenko
Divining the ‘K’ in K-means Clustering
by ashenfad
Isolation Forest
by Fei Tony Liu, Kai Ming Ting
Exploring 250,000+ Movies with Association Discovery
by atakancetinsoy
Topic Models
by David Blei
Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms
by Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin KumarIf you want to learn more about Machine Learning check any of the BigML Personalized Training workshops and Certified Courses. Please contact us if you have any question.